Justo antes de el confinamiento participé con esta ilustración en un homenaje/libro sorpresa perpretrado por un gran número de ex-alumnos a nuestro queridísimo y admirado Arnal Ballester. Para estos días difíciles tan abrumadores, nada mejor que unos minutos dedicados a ejercitarse y al cuidado personal. 'Gracias Arnal por tus sabios consejos y por insistir en la importancia de saber decir que NO a todo aquello que me estrese, y me provoque migraña y mal humor. A día de hoy todavía me cuesta, aunque intento practicar un poco cada día'
Just before the confinement, I participated with this illustration in a surprise tribute / book perpetrated by a large number of ex-students to our beloved and admired Arnal Ballester. There is nothing better for these overwhelmingly difficult days, than spending a few minutes exercising and taking care of yourself. 'Thank you Arnal for your wise advice and for insisting on the importance of knowing how to say NO to everything that distresses me, causes me a migraine and bad mood. I still find it difficult, although I try to practice a little every day .' #yogui
#exvoto #escolamassana #arnalballester #barcelonacity #illustration #dibuix #ilustracion @arnalballester #exvotos
Just before the confinement, I participated with this illustration in a surprise tribute / book perpetrated by a large number of ex-students to our beloved and admired Arnal Ballester. There is nothing better for these overwhelmingly difficult days, than spending a few minutes exercising and taking care of yourself. 'Thank you Arnal for your wise advice and for insisting on the importance of knowing how to say NO to everything that distresses me, causes me a migraine and bad mood. I still find it difficult, although I try to practice a little every day .' #yogui
#exvoto #escolamassana #arnalballester #barcelonacity #illustration #dibuix #ilustracion @arnalballester #exvotos